“What the heck are you two doing?”
I couldn’t resist asking this question to the two strangers sitting in front of me at a conference recently. This man and woman just radiated love – it was incredible. I mean, they weren’t even holding hands … they were simply being, and they were glowing. I had to know their secret!
As it turns out, this husband/wife duo are the owners of Loyly Spa in Houston, which is a cold/heat contrast center where you start by cold plunging in a 40ish Degree tub and follow it with a hot tub/sauna circuit. When I heard cold plunge, every fiber in my body screamed “No, uh-uh, no way.” And then I challenged my reaction. I started to get super curious because one of my intentions this year is to be open to new experiences.
Cindy and Dion have shared what they picked up from being cold – specifically from doing a cold, hard thing first thing in the morning. It gave them focus to their day. It allowed them to inhabit their bodies and connect more with their emotions. It inspired them to drown out the noise of life and be more discerning about what they invited into their worlds.
Knowing I wanted all of those things, I decided to sign up for a session during my last visit to Texas.
Here are my takeaways:
- You get a confidence boost when you do something you don’t want to do. It reminds you that goodness comes from an ounce of discomfort.
- When you do focused, guided breathing before anything difficult, it prepares you for the moment you’re entering into. In my case, breathing allowed me to recenter myself and master a transition from comfort to discomfort.
- When you share a challenging, first-time experience with someone, it strengthens bonds. This is why team building at work is so important. Cindy and I had an incredible conversation during this time – so much so that I’m now calling her “big sis.”
I’m heading back to Houston soon … and I’ve roped in a few friends to share in this new practice, too.
So, yes: I’ll be back … and I’ve already booked a session in Northern Michigan at Mi Sauna to start jumping in the ice cold bay in the winter. I don’t really feel the benefits … yet. But I see the future and I’m excited by this newfound practice.