Unlock the Secrets of Career Advancement

Wouldn’t you like to be in the room where it happens? You know, the room where talent is being discussed, evaluated, and selected for advancement?     I’ve been in these behind closed doors conversations before.  I’ve heard Board Directors say “they’re not ready … yet.”  And I’ve been hired to get them ready.  I’ve heard CEOs … Learn More

Three Actions for Better Meetings

So … You’re holding a meeting. You just presented details regarding a new corporate-wide initiative. You’re excited because you’re finally giving the team the clarity and direction they’ve been asking for. After your 10-minute brief, you turn to the group and say, “What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts.” And then you … Learn More

Realize Your Potential by Being The Actual in Your Life

I love the word “potential.”  It represents this unexplored part of me that is victorious in every single way. When I think about me realizing my potential, it’s a simple image: me, strutting down a beach, by myself with my head held high – I’m feeling vibrant, energized, and alive.  What does your unrealized potential look … Learn More


Your Ego Isn’t Bad … Here are Three Ways to Keep it In Check

“Give your ego a name.” My friend recommended this after I shared that there are times my ego gets in the way of my best intentions. Their idea was that naming my ego would help me separate myself from the part of me that is selfish, self absorbed, and unaccountable. The part of me that screams … Learn More

Courage to Change Your Mind

I’m much more fun when I drink. At least, that’s what I’ve been told.  After a few cocktails, I let my guard down, my stream of consciousness flows, and soon I’m dancing like no one’s watching (although everyone is watching and it’s quite the spectacle).  To be fair: this was more common when I was … Learn More


Re-Invigorate Your Life by Doing This

“That was the best thing ever.”  I shared this with my oldest son, Judge, the other day. We’d just listened to an episode of Hardcore History by Dan Carlin – it was a 3-hour lesson on Alexander the Great. This was just Part 1. Had you asked me two weeks ago if I had several … Learn More


Free Your Mind

“Well, it’s a free country.” If I had to count the number of times I’ve said that phrase in sarcasm, it’d be ridiculous.  This time, this week, I’m saying it seriously: Hey, it’s a free country. Remember? People fought and died for every single ounce of freedom that we enjoy today.   Do you ever lose … Learn More


Stray From the Path. It’s Okay.

You know the tale of Little Red Riding Hood… The story of a little girl who was told to bring cake and wine to her ailing Grandma.  Her mom told her that while she was on her journey, she needed to: Well, that little rebel didn’t listen. Little Red Riding Hood did her own thing … Learn More