Find Your Life Purpose, Level Up in Leadership, or Even Change Careers!
Let’s Face It:
You’re Stuck
How many times have you watched your peers leapfrog past you on their career track?
How many meetings have you sat through and held your tongue when you’ve got a great idea…only to hear someone else speak up and get the recognition that you deserve?
How long have you lived your life by the whims and wishes of others, while your own dreams, desires, and opportunities pass you by?
No matter how much success you’ve gained in your career – and life – how many titles you hold, or how high your salary is, that feeling of falling behind, of being frustratingly stagnant, of being dissatisfied but not knowing what you really want can start creeping in.
But how do you get unstuck when you don’t even know what’s holding you back in the first place?

The Barrier to Your Success Isn’t What You Think it Is
Most people start looking externally when they’re stuck…
and it makes sense! If you’re...

in your position

not being recognized or
rewarded for your efforts

not in love with your
current career
... it's natural to try and place blame for your unhappiness on the people and circumstances around you.
But the reality is, the biggest barrier to your success isn’t external.
It's You

You’re looking outside for the answers on what to do or for inspiration…
But you should be turning inward.
You’re waiting for someone to tell you what to do…
But you already know what to do.
You’re hoping someone will come save you…
But you need to save yourself.
And if you want to unlock the leader that’s inside you…
It's Time to Bet on You
I know, it sounds impossible when what you really desire might feel like the most uncertain thing in your life right now.
But with the right, research-backed methods, you can start reinforcing positive cycles in your life that pull you out of this negative space and…

Position you for a promotion that takes your career to the next level

Hit reset on your professional reputation and become the leader you’re meant to be

Get back into the workforce if you’ve taken time off and are ready to take that leap

Find fulfillment in your work and come home every evening energized instead of exhausted

Career Change
And even depart your career field completely to embark on your new, dream adventure!
And here’s the thing…
Becoming the Main Character in Your Life Doesn’t Mean Rewriting Your Whole Story
This course is designed to not only help you make a life-changing career transformation, but to give you
To become more of the person you were meant to be.
Because you have highly desired and competitive skills
and abilities that you might not even know!
And no matter how busy, how stuck, or how stressed you are, you can start uncovering these assets today!Â
You can...

Understand your value and learn how to promote your talents

Identify where you’re holding yourself back

Create real, achievable strategies to get you from where you are to where you want to be…even if you haven’t quite envisioned what’s next for you yet!
Ready for sustainable, transformative change?
Take a sneak peek inside the course!

Preparing for Your Journey
Why do you want to transform your life? In this module we’ll nail down that driving question and set you up with a bulletproof foundation for change.
We’ll also perform a talent and skills audit, so you can see you in your best, fullest light. I’ll also share with you very specific, practical ways you can begin using LinkedIn on your journey - from surgical guidance on how to update your profile, to strategies on following and connecting with individuals and organizations.

Creating a Plan for Change
We all want to change - but often our efforts to change fall short of our hopes and expectations. Real, sustained change requires some strategy.
Here I’ll walk you through exactly how to develop a career vision, how to make sure your values are present in your vision, and activities to explore what, exactly, your values are. You’ll leave this session understanding what a reverse plan is and with an actual 90-Day plan you can start taking action on.Â

Doing the Work
I’ll share with you a little-known truth about transformation and my actionable strategies, rules, and hacks to keep the momentum going, overcome obstacles, and build that promotion mindset.
Most importantly, I’ll share with you how to deal with disappointment and setbacks, which are inevitable on a change journey, as well as how to manage those who don’t support you in your efforts towards a better you. We’ll also talk about the 1/3rds, 2/3rds rule - a great guideline to follow so you’re both dreaming … and doing.

Building and Leveraging Your Network
No one … and I mean no one … achieves success on their own. This module will help you learn how to embrace and develop critical relationships on your Now It’s Time for You journey.
I’ll help you become the CEO of YOU and master the art of networking…which might not be exactly what you think, or might not be as challenging as you think. Plus, I’ll show you how to leverage the existing network you might not even know you have. You’ll conclude this lesson with a full appreciation for all the individuals in your world who are dying to support you, make key introductions on your behalf, and give you game-changing advice.

Making Your Move
By the time you reach Module 5, you’ll be experiencing great success on your career transformation journey.
Whether you’re prepping for a promotion, or changing your career, I’ll give you the best advice I have on how to set yourself up for lasting success. This includes guidance on building your brand, professional attire, and success habits that have been tried, true, and tested. This module gives you everything you need to successfully make that leap in your career or live the life you were born to live.

Our Course Conclusion
You’re officially in a new era of YOU – one that is full of success, fulfillment, and main character energy.
But like any journey, it’s never complete....
I’ll give you a complete list of resources so you can continue to heighten and sustain your amazing results.
Meet Angie Morgan

is a world renown executive coach, keynote speaker and leadership expert.
She learned to lead in the United States Marine Corps, and has since been evangelizing military leadership best practices through her work while applying these lessons to her own life.
She’s the New York Times best-selling author of “SPARK, “Leading from the Front,” and "Bet on You.” As an entrepreneur, she built a multi-million dollar consulting firm, while helping leaders around the globe realize their visions for themselves.
Now, she’s thrilled to take on the role of your hype girl, your champion, and your accountability partner as she leads you through the Now It's Time for You: How to Lead Your Career Transformation course.
Learn more by visiting, or tuning into her podcast, Bet on You.
Read What Others Are Saying About Angie’s Executive Coaching

Career Transformation eCourse
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I know the material in this course works and works well… but I also know you can’t know that for sure until you’re inside the course. That’s why you can join now, watch the videos, try out the exercises, and go through the process for 30 days… and if after that you’re unsatisfied for any reason just email us for a full refund.