Woman holding a book and sitting on her couch

10 Morning Habits I Live By

I get asked a lot: how do you do it?? Keep a rigorous schedule, train for athletic competitions, travel the globe, and appear so energized. I thought I’d share my secrets.   A great morning begins after a great night’s sleep. So, technically, my morning habits begin at 7:00 pm the night prior. I’ve typically eaten by then, I don’t … Learn More

New Year’s Resolution – or Revolution?

I woke up this morning with a hopeful heart. 2024 is going to be a miraculous year.  Not just because of the magic in the number 24 – it’s going to be great because I’m going to make it so. Many often launch into the New Year with a resolution-focused mindset, which is making a … Learn More

Un-waste Your Potential: Resolve a More Musical Life

Un-waste Your Potential: Resolve a More Musical Life

I sat down to play the piano my parents gifted me during one of their decluttering sprees. When I struck the first chord of one of my old, favorite songs, my fear was confirmed – I was awful. This was kind of sad; I was once so talented!  And now? Well, beyond being untalented, I … Learn More

The Four Areas in Life to Set Goals

Our goals should be as multi-dimensional as our lives. Learn about the kaleidoscope approach to goal-setting. I LOVE goals. I also like intentions, resolutions, aspirations … pretty much anything that has to do with establishing a starting point (where you are) to a result (where you want to be). Goal junkie: I turned into a goal … Learn More