Unlock the Secrets of Career Advancement

Wouldn’t you like to be in the room where it happens? You know, the room where talent is being discussed, evaluated, and selected for advancement?     I’ve been in these behind closed doors conversations before.  I’ve heard Board Directors say “they’re not ready … yet.”  And I’ve been hired to get them ready.  I’ve heard CEOs … Learn More

Woman jumping with her hands in the air at the top of a mountain

What Are You Rallying Towards?

What are we rallying towards? My friend asked me this recently when I shared with her my blog title, “Rally Cry.” I gave her an answer. But had she asked me this week, she would’ve gotten a better answer.   You see, I just read this poem, which raised a very powerful question that made me … Learn More

Man standing on top of mountain with his hands in the air

Three Secrets to Peak Performance

I once heard Malcolm Gladwell express that if you’re an expert on 98% of the topic, that remaining 2% should make you insanely curious about what you don’t know. In that spirit, I attended a HEROIC training course a few weeks ago.   Now, I’ve been a keynote speaker for decades. I’m blessed to have a manager … Learn More

Angie leaning against a wall in her military uniform

Leadership Lessons from the Marine Corps

“We’re going to break it down, Barney Style.”  This was what our Marine Corps instructors would say when the School of Hard Knox was in session. And, like the adorable purple dinosaur teaching toddlers step-by-step lessons, our instructors would painstakingly review easy-to-implement guidance on a range of skills, like: Yes, that last one!! Leadership can seem … Learn More

Women linking their arms together

When Important People Don’t Support You.

I Googled “Show me your network…” and here’s what popped up to complete the sentence: …I’ll show you your potential …I’ll show you your future …I’ll show you your net worth Clearly, the internet knows a lot about something we’ve always intuited: the people we surround ourselves with impact our ambitions, aspirations, and confidence.   What … Learn More

Women holding hands in the air while standing on a beach facing the water

5 Ways to Honor Women’s History Month

We celebrate Women’s History Month by acknowledging the significant accomplishments women have made throughout time. But if you know me, acknowledging is not enough – it’s a head nod, a thumbs up. It’s a “You go, girl.” In other words, it’s a passive activity. It doesn’t build on a legacy. You’re a part of the legacy. I believe in … Learn More

Man standing on a small ledge on the side of a mountain overlooking a mountain range

Prevent Regret by Taking Risks

“I wish I would’ve…”   No one wants to mutter this on their deathbed. That’s the type of statement that screams “regret.”   Having regret isn’t bad, necessarily. Like, I regret not studying abroad in college. I regret not having learned how to surf when I lived in Hawaii. Now, my life is great despite not having these … Learn More

road sign in the desert saying there is a winding road ahead

Changing Your Career

Did you take a career aptitude test in high school? The one where you get a scantron sheet, a #2 pencil, and a series of questions asking you to list your preferences and interests? I remember this experience, as well as reviewing my results in my small high school classroom (think: Footloose). I felt like … Learn More


Career Fulfillment? It Starts with Value.

I don’t need headlines to tell me that the vast majority of professionals throughout the country are considering massive career changes because they’re just not happy.  I’ve got a “boots on the ground” perspective.   As a leadership development coach, I get hundreds of queries from professionals who want support in career transitions.  They want a … Learn More

frozen roses - Is Your Career “Stuck?” Here’s What to Do About It.

Is Your Career “Stuck?” Here’s What to Do About It.

Some people like puzzles. Others like games. For me, I love writing … there’s no greater joy than getting a piece to a place where you can hit “send.” Take the time to read this piece I penned for Fast Company. This article offers career advice to professionals who feel stuck to supercharge their work/life … Learn More