
Career Fulfillment? It Starts with Value.

I don’t need headlines to tell me that the vast majority of professionals throughout the country are considering massive career changes because they’re just not happy.  I’ve got a “boots on the ground” perspective.   As a leadership development coach, I get hundreds of queries from professionals who want support in career transitions.  They want a … Learn More

Three Ideas for Goal Setting in the New Year

We’re at the end of 2023.  I’m in goal setting mode right now.  But if you know me, you know I’m never really out of goal setting mode. It can be annoying, or at least that’s what I’ve been told by select members of my family. When we go on vacation, I have vacation goals.  … Learn More


Gift Give to Yourself This Holiday Season

My youngest son likes to take the surprise out of gift giving. From now until Christmas Eve, every day I’ll get a text from him with a hyperlink to an item … most likely shoes. He’s pretty genius in his gift distribution system.  He has two sets of parents, four sets of grandparents, and makes … Learn More


Give Grace to Others This Thanksgiving

I eavesdrop when I’m on airplanes. Not intentionally, I just can’t help but overhear things! One recent conversation captured my attention … It was a woman talking with her sister on a cell phone (pre-flight). They were planning this elaborate Thanksgiving meal and it sounded incredible. They must have gone on for 10 minutes discussing … Learn More

3 Steps to Help Shape your Dreams and to Ignite Your Path for Success

Dream It. Own It. Take It. 3 Steps to Help Shape your Dreams and to Ignite Your Path for Success Survey Results are in – – and it isn’t what you think! Only 4% of us are living our wildest dreams. The other 96% of us?  Not so much. Our recent survey results reveal that … Learn More

boats in the harbor at sunrise

Are You Living a Quiet Life?

Most of us don’t know what we’re supposed to do with our lives. After we graduated from high school, we found ourselves on a tried, tested, and true path: we went to college, found a partner, started a family, bought a house, and landed a stable career with a good benefits plan.   If you’ve discovered … Learn More

Sunrise over water for the Personally Accountable to Your Problems for Angie Witkowski Rally Dry Blog Article by Angie Witkowski

Personally Accountable to Your Problems

You’re dealing with a nagging unhappiness or restlessness in some area of your life and you’re afraid to talk about it. It’s like if you vocalize a problem in your personal or professional life, then you actually have to deal with it. Here’s the kicker: you’re already dealing with it. Just because you haven’t said … Learn More

leaf trapped on iron fence for the Five Reasons You're Stuck... And What To Do About It Rally Cry Blog Article by Angie Witkowski

Five Reasons You’re Stuck … And What To Do About It

You’ve done everything right, haven’t you? Kept your head down to do the work. Not pushed back on demanding requests. Been a good teammate. Yet, still, your colleagues are surpassing you when it comes time for promotion. They’re getting the hgh-visibility, choice assignments that you want. You can’t help but wonder what you missed? When … Learn More

Blurry Woman in front of window. Creating a Personal Vision Blog Article Banner Image

Creating a Personal Vision

“You must think I sound crazy! I’ve rambled for an hour!” Whenever someone says that to me at the end of a coaching call, my reply is: “Quite the contrary.  That’s you trying to get clear about the direction you want to take your life.  Getting clear sounds like uncertainty mixed with word vomit … at first.  … Learn More

City Skyline - We All Have a 9.11 Story

We All Have a 9.11 Story

How did this historic event change your life? It was just past midnight. Roma was driving 95 mph down the highway headed straight to the Naval Hospital.  I was doing everything I could not to give birth in the front seat of her brand new Suburban. Randy Travis was on the radio singing “Take It … Learn More