Woman standing facing the open water while standing on a beach at sunset

An Open Mind Opens Doors

Don’t let fight, flight, or freeze get the better of you. I’m a flighter. When I sense a conflict situation, I want to run away and hide. What’s your move? When you sense an uncomfortable moment, what do you want to do – fight, flight, or freeze? This explains why, when I saw my Congressman at … Learn More

Angie leaning against a wall in her military uniform

Leadership Lessons from the Marine Corps

“We’re going to break it down, Barney Style.”  This was what our Marine Corps instructors would say when the School of Hard Knox was in session. And, like the adorable purple dinosaur teaching toddlers step-by-step lessons, our instructors would painstakingly review easy-to-implement guidance on a range of skills, like: Yes, that last one!! Leadership can seem … Learn More

Woman with her eyes closed and looking upward outside with gratitude

What’s Getting Your Attention?

When I was young, I’d leap, jump, and cartwheel on my school’s playground balance beams. Well…not all of them. Just the ones that were laying on the ground. As for the others? I didn’t dare. I once tried the one that was 6” off the ground. I was too wobbly on it and hopped off quickly before I embarrassed myself. … Learn More

Two empty glasses of wine sitting on a coffee table next to an unopened bottle of wine

The Teacher is the Student

One of the “glories” of being a mom to two teenagers is that they’re quick to point out my inconsistencies. It’s like I’ve got the hypocrite police on my back all the time. The value of this is that I’m always asking myself – am I modeling the behaviors I expect them to demonstrate? Or, am … Learn More

Woman doing crunches on a mat at the gym

Reinvent Your Life

Do you feel stuck? In these situations, it’s easy to blame externalities: Do you know what’s hard? Sitting quiet with your thoughts and admitting you’re the one who created the situation…and you’re the only one who can lead yourself out of it. Absolute accountability is painful. It’s the only way to a better place. Accountability is … Learn More

Woman walking through the woods

The Process of Gaining Clarity in Life

“If you’re going to do nothing, do it on purpose.” My friend, Allen Meacham, shared this idea with me. It was so meaningful I included this idea in my book, SPARK. In our busy lives, it’s hard to imagine that doing nothing can have its benefits. For my ultra-busy coaching clients, I know the idea of … Learn More

Person doing a cartwheel on the the beach

How to Have Fun in Your Life

My friend Shannon and I grabbed a glass of wine recently at a local vineyard. We don’t do this enough. She’s a former CIA Officer; her life’s story is an inspirational tale of resiliency, self-compassion, and personal growth. (She was my first Bet on You Podcast guest, by the way. Listen in by clicking here.) I love talking with … Learn More

New Year’s Resolution – or Revolution?

I woke up this morning with a hopeful heart. 2024 is going to be a miraculous year.  Not just because of the magic in the number 24 – it’s going to be great because I’m going to make it so. Many often launch into the New Year with a resolution-focused mindset, which is making a … Learn More


Career Fulfillment? It Starts with Value.

I don’t need headlines to tell me that the vast majority of professionals throughout the country are considering massive career changes because they’re just not happy.  I’ve got a “boots on the ground” perspective.   As a leadership development coach, I get hundreds of queries from professionals who want support in career transitions.  They want a … Learn More

Three Ideas for Goal Setting in the New Year

We’re at the end of 2023.  I’m in goal setting mode right now.  But if you know me, you know I’m never really out of goal setting mode. It can be annoying, or at least that’s what I’ve been told by select members of my family. When we go on vacation, I have vacation goals.  … Learn More

Let Me Reintroduce Myself

Transformation isn’t always visible, but it’s real. Here’s how to share your journey with others. You’ve changed. A lot. Especially amidst the pandemic. Change builds resilience, which leads to an increased capacity to do more, think differently, and contribute in ways you’ve never been able to before. The problem with all this change, though, is that key … Learn More