Woman standing facing the open water while standing on a beach at sunset

An Open Mind Opens Doors

Don’t let fight, flight, or freeze get the better of you. I’m a flighter. When I sense a conflict situation, I want to run away and hide. What’s your move? When you sense an uncomfortable moment, what do you want to do – fight, flight, or freeze? This explains why, when I saw my Congressman at … Learn More

It’s Time to Tell My Story. Isn’t It Time for You, Too?

I grew up painfully shy. When I was little, I used to hide behind my mom’s legs whenever an adult spoke to me. When it was time to attend preschool, she told me that I couldn’t go unless I started talking with people. My mom found the right motivation. I wanted to go on the … Learn More

How to Ask for Help

I had it going on.  High heels, dressy jeans with fancy pockets, hair blown out, makeup done, walking confidently through a crowded hotel lobby in Huntsville, Alabama. I was on my way to a client site, giddy on the inside because I was about to facilitate my first LIVE, post-Covid, in-person session in what seemed … Learn More