Woman jumping with her hands in the air at the top of a mountain

What Are You Rallying Towards?

What are we rallying towards? My friend asked me this recently when I shared with her my blog title, “Rally Cry.” I gave her an answer. But had she asked me this week, she would’ve gotten a better answer.   You see, I just read this poem, which raised a very powerful question that made me … Learn More

Woman with her eyes closed and looking upward outside with gratitude

What’s Getting Your Attention?

When I was young, I’d leap, jump, and cartwheel on my school’s playground balance beams. Well…not all of them. Just the ones that were laying on the ground. As for the others? I didn’t dare. I once tried the one that was 6” off the ground. I was too wobbly on it and hopped off quickly before I embarrassed myself. … Learn More

People running in a race

Motivate Yourself to Success

I started training for the Chattanooga Ironman this month. It’s energizing to sign up for the race, buy new gear, and get all your training devices sync’d up. It’s also cool to say “I’m training for an Ironman.” What’s not energizing? The work. Like this morning. I woke up at 5:00, hit the pool, and then followed that up with a run…and … Learn More

Man standing on a small ledge on the side of a mountain overlooking a mountain range

Prevent Regret by Taking Risks

“I wish I would’ve…”   No one wants to mutter this on their deathbed. That’s the type of statement that screams “regret.”   Having regret isn’t bad, necessarily. Like, I regret not studying abroad in college. I regret not having learned how to surf when I lived in Hawaii. Now, my life is great despite not having these … Learn More

Angie Witkowski speaking at an event on stage

How to Be a President

I spent a few moments reflecting on what it’d be like to be the President of the United States and being, arguably, the most powerful person in the world. It wasn’t intoxicating, I promise you. I was in awe of the responsibility. I thought about… –   The intelligent people I’d want surrounding me to shore up … Learn More

road sign in the desert saying there is a winding road ahead

Changing Your Career

Did you take a career aptitude test in high school? The one where you get a scantron sheet, a #2 pencil, and a series of questions asking you to list your preferences and interests? I remember this experience, as well as reviewing my results in my small high school classroom (think: Footloose). I felt like … Learn More

3 Steps to Help Shape your Dreams and to Ignite Your Path for Success

Dream It. Own It. Take It. 3 Steps to Help Shape your Dreams and to Ignite Your Path for Success Survey Results are in – – and it isn’t what you think! Only 4% of us are living our wildest dreams. The other 96% of us?  Not so much. Our recent survey results reveal that … Learn More

Dream Again - Better

Dream Again – Better

You want to dream better. But, when was the last time you … In other words, can you remember the last time you really quieted your mind and focused on your own, unique thoughts, dreams, and ideas? This type of silence can be unsettling, right?  Yet, in this silence is a world of wonder where … Learn More