If you haven’t figured it out yet, I like to do life experiments … on myself. I tinker with my diet, my sleep, my wellness. Prolon? Tried it. AG-1. I’m on it. Meditation, hot yoga … yeah, I do all that stuff just to see what I need to do to get clear, to get confident, and reconnect with myself. I work really hard and am always trying to find an extra performance edge.
Right now I’m in my cold shower kick, which was inspired by a recent cold plunge experience. I’ve gotta tell you, though, when it’s 4:00 am in the morning, and I’m headed to the airport, the last thing I want in this world is a cold shower. In fact, this thought was prominent last week! I had the thought, I started the shower, and turned the dial up to warm. But when I realized I was talking myself out of my intention, I dialed down the heat, and just stepped right into the cold – and before my mind could catch up, I was standing underneath the “ice needles” practicing a breathing exercise and feeling invigorated by the rush, and confident in my in-the-moment decision to be better than my feelings.
Essentially, I outran my feelings. I didn’t let my thoughts stand in the way of my desire to be a better version of myself. You can bet I used this moment throughout the next few days as a reminder of how strong I can really be when faced with a choice of choosing discomfort over comfort.
I’ve long believed that our hearts know exactly what we want to do – it’s our mind that talks us out of it. Our mind tells us:
- Now’s not the time
- We’re not (………….) enough to do what we want to do
- We can do (………….) later … when we’re older, more stable, more secure
Here’s what I know:
- We’ll never have enough money
- There will never be the right time
- We shouldn’t have to wait to do what it is we want to do
So in the face of uncertainty or self-doubt, here’s what we need to do: “F*ck our feelings and just start doing it.”
Your feelings don’t want you to be better. Your feelings either want you to stay the same, or indulge yourself in alcohol, junk food, or inactivity. The problem? Being comfortable doesn’t lead you to the better life.
So, the next time you’re having your mind talk you out of an experience your soul really wants to try, give your mind the middle finger and go out there, you rebel, and do what you were born to do.