Why Doesn’t Pam Beesly Matter?

Why Doesn’t Pam Beesly Matter?

My kids and I’ve been binge watching The Office. The other day I had to stop an episode, look at my boys, and say, “Do you hear how everyone is talking about Pam’s breasts? That is not okay. It’s completely unacceptable to make those types of comments to a woman at any time, any place.” … Learn More

Clock with a cup of coffee next to it - The World is Waking Up

The World is Waking Up

I can guarantee that I don’t look anything like the image in my profile picture when I wake up in the morning. My hair is balled up in knots. I might have leftover mascara underneath my eyes. And all the imperfections I diligently try to hide on my face are on display for only the … Learn More

'I Tried' written into cement - Let's Start with "Try"​

Let’s Start with “Try”​

“Do or Do Not. There is no try.” – Yoda Hold off, Yoda. We’re actually in the season of trying right now. Every single one of us is making attempts at new ways of behaving. Some of these ways are working. Others? Not so much. In fact, we’re observing distinct differences right now among the … Learn More

woman in yoga pose - I Hate This … And I'm Doing it Anyway

I Hate This … And I’m Doing it Anyway

“Angie, how was your practice today?” my instructor asked as I left my hot yoga class recently. “I hated it for the first 15 minutes,” I said with a smile. “But, I’m coming back on Saturday. If I only hate it for 14 minutes, I’ll call that progress.” He flashed a knowing smile back at … Learn More

How to Deliver Awesome Feedback

How to Deliver Awesome Feedback

I updated my headshot a while back. Or, at least I thought I did. I showed it to my then-business partner, Courtney Lynch, who saw it and delivered some honest feedback, “Dude, what’s up with your shirt? It looks like something you’d wear to a bake sale … not for delivering professional services. Don’t go … Learn More

Five Ways Coaching Accelerates Your Success

Five Ways Coaching Accelerates Your Success

You put a tremendous amount of effort into your career. You work late, you flex to reset priorities, and you’re constantly thinking of new ways you can add value to the business or organization you work for. You’re a conscientious professional because you care. You care about the quality of your work, your professional reputation, … Learn More

Un-waste Your Potential: Resolve a More Musical Life

Un-waste Your Potential: Resolve a More Musical Life

I sat down to play the piano my parents gifted me during one of their decluttering sprees. When I struck the first chord of one of my old, favorite songs, my fear was confirmed – I was awful. This was kind of sad; I was once so talented!  And now? Well, beyond being untalented, I … Learn More

Five Reasons You Need a Thought Partner (and Why I'm Grateful for Mine)

Five Reasons You Need a Thought Partner (and Why I’m Grateful for Mine)

I was collaborating with a dear friend and colleague, Ben Whiting, and we couldn’t help but laugh out loud for the two hours we were together. As we were swapping our stories, poking fun at ourselves, we also spent time imagining our futures in ways that were invigorating and inspiring.  When dinner wrapped, I asked … Learn More

Everyone’s Wall is Different

Everyone’s Wall is Different

Shortly after the pandemic, I delivered a webinar to clients and shared best practices on how to lead through uncertainty. We asked our audience to share with us, privately, how they were feeling in the moment. The words they offered weren’t too dissimilar from the beginning of the pandemic – worried, lonely, isolated, exhausted, confused. … Learn More

Can You Love and Hate Something at the Same Time? Yes. Here's How.

Can You Love and Hate Something at the Same Time? Yes. Here’s How.

Can You Love and Hate Something at the Same Time? (Yes, you can … and it’s okay.)  “Mom, can we go to Cedar Point?” My youngest has asked me that for the past three years. Due to the pandemic, it felt like a near-impossible proposition. This year, though, it actually felt possible to make the … Learn More

Are Your Work Relationships Transactional or Transformational?

Are Your Work Relationships Transactional or Transformational?

I talk often about transactional vs transformational relationships.  In our work ecosphere, we can achieve success through transactions – you do this, I do this, and we don’t really invest in each other. Transactional works, but it’s not ideal for performance in our work relationships. It’s impersonal and fails to allow people to engage fully … Learn More