Stray From the Path. It’s Okay.


You know the tale of Little Red Riding Hood

The story of a little girl who was told to bring cake and wine to her ailing Grandma.  Her mom told her that while she was on her journey, she needed to:

  • Keep her head down
  • Don’t talk to strangers
  • Stay on the path

Well, that little rebel didn’t listen.

Little Red Riding Hood did her own thing and, as a result, Grandma was murdered and had it not been for a nearby Huntsman with an ax, she would’ve died, too.

The moral of that story is pretty obvious: Do what you’re told … or else.  

That’s a great lesson when you’re growing up and dangers surround you. But you’re older now.  Aren’t you a little sick of being told what to do? Don’t you have your own dreams for your life that require you to stray from the guidance of well-intentioned people?

Well, I’ve got a revised, inspired moral for Little Red Riding Hood that I think will be enlightening to you. 

You have complete permission to stray from the path if you’re not happy on your current one. Make a change if you’re not finding success on your journey. Blaze a new trail if you have a new idea! Prevent regret by taking risks. But do yourself a favor: bring an ax so if you do get into trouble you can save yourself. Don’t rely on a Huntsman to rescue you. Learn to rely on yourself.  

I’m talking about a metaphorical ax, of course. More specifically:

  • Invest in your savings
  • Take care of your mental health
  • Start your day with intention
  • Build inspiring relationships 
  • Remind yourself to dream big
  • Follow through on your commitments

And always, always, take action toward that grander vision of yourself.  

Yes, of course, consider the dangers of your journey, but don’t let them stop you. Be prepared for trouble so when you meet it and look it in the eye, you can stare it down and step over it. (That’s what the ax is for, remember?)

And when you get hungry, or feel you don’t have enough to keep going? Don’t forget: you’ve got wine and cake. I know it’s for Grandma, but don’t worry about her – she’s got her own.

Self-focus is not selfish, and there are unintended consequences of self-neglect. It’s essential on your Bet on You journey. Don’t forget: when you’re inspired, focused, and determined, you make the world a better place.

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