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Rally Cry

Inspiration for Your Journey

Are Your Work Relationships Transactional or Transformational?

Are Your Work Relationships Transactional or Transformational?

I talk often about transactional vs transformational relationships.  In our work ecosphere, we can achieve success through transactions – you do this, I do this, and we don’t really invest in each other. Transactional works, but it’s not ideal for performance in our work relationships. It’s impersonal and fails to allow people to engage fully … Learn More

7 Tips For a Professional Reputation

7 Tips For a Professional Reputation

I’ve had some great guidance throughout my career. I recognize not every professional gets insight into the do’s and don’ts of the working world, which is why I’m sharing a list of some helpful behaviors I’ve learned that serve as great guideposts for career etiquette.  Here are 7 tips for professionals seeking to be professional: … Learn More

Dream Again - Better

Dream Again – Better

You want to dream better. But, when was the last time you … In other words, can you remember the last time you really quieted your mind and focused on your own, unique thoughts, dreams, and ideas? This type of silence can be unsettling, right?  Yet, in this silence is a world of wonder where … Learn More

Why Are We So Surprised by Change?

Why Are We So Surprised by Change?

At the beginning of the pandemic, I sent out a warning to my girlfriends:  Try on your jeans once a week. Your jeans will keep you honest. I felt compelled to share this because I’ve worked from a home office for many, many years. I know, with 100% certainty, that if I wear yoga pants … Learn More

Be that Someone for Someone Else

Be that Someone for Someone Else

In May 1997, I should have been on a high: I’d just graduated college and earned my commission in the United States Marine Corps. Though the moments around these two events were special and celebratory, once the pictures were taken and the festivities died down, inside I was in knots. I was saying goodbye to … Learn More

Work-Life Balance? Impossible. Strive for Harmony Instead.

Work-Life Balance? Impossible. Strive for Harmony Instead.

If you were to take the phrase work-life balance literally, that would mean everything is even:  You’d get eight hours of sleep, work, and life each day, every day.   That would be amazing, wouldn’t it?! Spoiler alert: That type of balance is probably never going to happen.  But let’s not blame “sleep” and “life” … Learn More

The Magic of Inclusion

The Magic of Inclusion

No one likes feeling like they’re on the outside.  When I was in elementary school, I didn’t get an invitation to a sleepover. The rejection still stings. While my parents did their best to make that Friday night special – we went to McDonalds and they let me stay up late to watch Dallas – … Learn More

Gratitude: It’s a Feeling and a Practice

Gratitude: It’s a Feeling and a Practice

My brother’s birthday is tomorrow. November 22. He died nearly 20 years ago from suicide. Even after all this time, Thanksgivings spent at my parents’ are still hard. We don’t talk about his absence. Yet, when we greet each other with a hug and give that extra squeeze, we all know that’s code for “I … Learn More

It’s Time to Tell My Story. Isn’t It Time for You, Too?

I grew up painfully shy. When I was little, I used to hide behind my mom’s legs whenever an adult spoke to me. When it was time to attend preschool, she told me that I couldn’t go unless I started talking with people. My mom found the right motivation. I wanted to go on the … Learn More

The Four Areas in Life to Set Goals

Our goals should be as multi-dimensional as our lives. Learn about the kaleidoscope approach to goal-setting. I LOVE goals. I also like intentions, resolutions, aspirations … pretty much anything that has to do with establishing a starting point (where you are) to a result (where you want to be). Goal junkie: I turned into a goal … Learn More

What Can We Gain from Loss?

How to Grow from Loss, Grief, Setback, and Struggle “How can you even talk about this without breaking down?”   I asked this humbly, sincerely, to a colleague who was sharing with me a story about losing her sister to suicide. This was in 2002. My younger brother, Dan, had just taken his own life. … Learn More