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Rally Cry

Inspiration for Your Journey

1,000 Reasons to Cheer

Though it was 2021, I can remember this moment like it was yesterday. My mom and I were at a park in Frankfort, MI. She was sitting on a bench. I was sprawled out on the ground nearby surrounded by cigarette butts, chewed up gum, and all sorts of other litter. I didn’t care. I’d just completed my … Learn More

The Victims of Your Bad Habits

Who Are the Victims of Your Bad Habits? What are your bad habits? Come on … you know you’ve got them. To explore further, take a look at the list below: When I look at the list above, it’s easy to see times in my life when I demonstrated several of them, often to my … Learn More

Let Me Reintroduce Myself

Transformation isn’t always visible, but it’s real. Here’s how to share your journey with others. You’ve changed. A lot. Especially amidst the pandemic. Change builds resilience, which leads to an increased capacity to do more, think differently, and contribute in ways you’ve never been able to before. The problem with all this change, though, is that key … Learn More

How to Ask for Help

I had it going on.  High heels, dressy jeans with fancy pockets, hair blown out, makeup done, walking confidently through a crowded hotel lobby in Huntsville, Alabama. I was on my way to a client site, giddy on the inside because I was about to facilitate my first LIVE, post-Covid, in-person session in what seemed … Learn More