Angie’s Top 20 Life Lessons

Most people aren’t excited about turning 49.

I’m like most people. 

But I do love my birthday!  To celebrate my last year in my 40s (sniff, sniff), I thought I’d share the Top 20 Lessons I’ve Learned while being on this earth.

I want you to read these.  And, because it’s my birthday, can you do me a favor?  Send me a lesson you’ve learned – that would be such an amazing gift!   

Angie’s Top 20 Lessons Learned ….

1. Happiness is an inside game.

2. No one has ever regretted being over-prepared.    

3. Your talent is your safety net. 

4. Don’t cry over something that won’t cry over you.

5. Today is the only day we know. 

6. You are the sum of the five people you hang out with the most. 

7. Great adventures start with a “Yes, and …!”  (Not a “No, but …”)

8. It’s never too late to learn how to play an instrument.

9. Just because it’s your truth doesn’t mean it’s everyone else’s.

10. Wishing, hoping, and wanting are never enough. 

11. Work will always be there tomorrow.

12. We’re better than our worst decision.    

13. Dancing is always a great idea.

14. No one’s got time for your bullsh*t either. 

15. You are not your title or your career. 

16. The world will break your heart … but love anyway. 

17. You’ve got more power than you think.

18. A bad decision is typically preceded with “Ah, F*ck it.”  

19. Be open to a double dog dare.

20. Always say yes to sticky toffee pudding. 

Click here to send me your wisdom!  Thank you!!

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