Arlington National Cemetery

How to Talk with Veterans on Memorial Day

A few years ago, I was a chaperone for my son’s Washington D.C. class trip. Fortunately for the students and me, Arlington Cemetery was on our itinerary. If you’ve never visited, know that it’s a powerful experience that reminds you of the truest sacrifices men and women have made for this great nation of ours. In other words, … Learn More

Woman standing facing the open water while standing on a beach at sunset

An Open Mind Opens Doors

Don’t let fight, flight, or freeze get the better of you. I’m a flighter. When I sense a conflict situation, I want to run away and hide. What’s your move? When you sense an uncomfortable moment, what do you want to do – fight, flight, or freeze? This explains why, when I saw my Congressman at … Learn More

Woman doing workout ropes in a gym

Self-Candor, Discipline, and Discomfort

I’ve learned in life there are Three Levels of Commitment: I’ve found that in life, depending upon the initiative or goal, I’m bouncing around all three levels…but when it matters, I’m Level Three.  If I were baking a Level Three Commitment cake, first off, it’d be chocolate. The additional ingredients would be:  Self-candor is our ability … Learn More

Woman jumping with her hands in the air at the top of a mountain

What Are You Rallying Towards?

What are we rallying towards? My friend asked me this recently when I shared with her my blog title, “Rally Cry.” I gave her an answer. But had she asked me this week, she would’ve gotten a better answer.   You see, I just read this poem, which raised a very powerful question that made me … Learn More