road sign in the desert saying there is a winding road ahead

Changing Your Career

Did you take a career aptitude test in high school? The one where you get a scantron sheet, a #2 pencil, and a series of questions asking you to list your preferences and interests? I remember this experience, as well as reviewing my results in my small high school classroom (think: Footloose). I felt like … Learn More

Woman walking through the woods

The Process of Gaining Clarity in Life

“If you’re going to do nothing, do it on purpose.” My friend, Allen Meacham, shared this idea with me. It was so meaningful I included this idea in my book, SPARK. In our busy lives, it’s hard to imagine that doing nothing can have its benefits. For my ultra-busy coaching clients, I know the idea of … Learn More

Person doing a cartwheel on the the beach

How to Have Fun in Your Life

My friend Shannon and I grabbed a glass of wine recently at a local vineyard. We don’t do this enough. She’s a former CIA Officer; her life’s story is an inspirational tale of resiliency, self-compassion, and personal growth. (She was my first Bet on You Podcast guest, by the way. Listen in by clicking here.) I love talking with … Learn More

New Year’s Resolution – or Revolution?

I woke up this morning with a hopeful heart. 2024 is going to be a miraculous year.  Not just because of the magic in the number 24 – it’s going to be great because I’m going to make it so. Many often launch into the New Year with a resolution-focused mindset, which is making a … Learn More