Five Ways Coaching Accelerates Your Success

Five Ways Coaching Accelerates Your Success

You put a tremendous amount of effort into your career. You work late, you flex to reset priorities, and you’re constantly thinking of new ways you can add value to the business or organization you work for. You’re a conscientious professional because you care. You care about the quality of your work, your professional reputation, … Learn More

Five Reasons You Need a Thought Partner (and Why I'm Grateful for Mine)

Five Reasons You Need a Thought Partner (and Why I’m Grateful for Mine)

I was collaborating with a dear friend and colleague, Ben Whiting, and we couldn’t help but laugh out loud for the two hours we were together. As we were swapping our stories, poking fun at ourselves, we also spent time imagining our futures in ways that were invigorating and inspiring.  When dinner wrapped, I asked … Learn More