Silhouette action sport outdoors of a group of kids having fun playing soccer football on green grass field

Use Your Voice

I embarrassed my youngest son recently by being “that mom.”  Let me set the stage: My son’s coaches called a parent meeting to introduce themselves, talk about their coaching style, and the tournament season ahead. While they were talking, all the athletes were on the field. One of the more senior athletes, leading stretching, kept calling the … Learn More

Dandelion coming thought cracks in pavement - How to Engage in Healthy Conflict

How to Engage in Healthy Conflict

My family and I approach conflict from different starting points. They’re completely comfortable engaging in a disagreement, and do so freely…and, to be honest, sometimes unnecessarily. ☺  I’m completely comfortable sweeping things under the rug…until two years later, which is when I lift up the rug and show the offending party the unresolved issue that’s … Learn More