Unlock the Secrets of Career Advancement

Wouldn’t you like to be in the room where it happens? You know, the room where talent is being discussed, evaluated, and selected for advancement?    

I’ve been in these behind closed doors conversations before.  I’ve heard Board Directors say “they’re not ready … yet.”  And I’ve been hired to get them ready.  I’ve heard CEOs say “they’re not executive-level” and I know what that’s code for … and then coach them so they can lead at that level.

Leveling up in your career shouldn’t feel like a mystery to you. I want to help you distinguish yourself so that you achieve your true potential in your career.

          Demonstrate Command Presence.  You don’t just look the part.  You are the part.  When you walk into a room, you own it.  When you speak, others listen.  There are skills that build up to command presence – starting with organizing your calendar so you’re able to be focused and present in all your interactions.  Also, and this is subtle, but important: are you wearing the right clothes and colors to make yourself standout?  If you want to advance, you can’t be a wallflower.

          Communicate at a World Class Level.  Yes, you can talk … everyone can talk, everyone can fill air.  How intentional, though, are you with your words?  Are you using storytelling skills?  Do your presentations build emotional connections with your audience?  If your communication skills training has only focused on delivering feedback and managing conflict, you’re missing the boat.   I’m an English major.  I promise you, there are literary devices you didn’t learn that could be critical to your ability to express your ideas and vision.

          Make Decisions Under Pressure.  As you advance, uncertainty is the new norm.  What gives you an advantage in this space is your ability to make well-timed, imperfect decisions that give you a competitive advantage.  Most leaders don’t have a process for making good decisions under pressure.  They’ve yet to learn about the 80% solution or 1/3rds, 2/3rds Rule, or OODA Loop.  These are all invaluable frameworks to help you feel confident as you drive results.

I’m bringing these skills to your attention in hopes to help you explore new ways to direct your growth.

I’m also sharing with you that you don’t need to be on your own on your leadership development journey.  I’m excited to share that I’m launching a BRAND NEW program for 2025.

I’m partnering with the best leader I know – Stephanie Cox, former CEO of Wood Group Americas – to deliver AIM: Amplify, Impact, and Mastermind.  It’s a 6-month, cohort leadership development experience that includes:

          1:1 Virtual Coaching Sessions

          (3) In-Person Mastermind Sessions with a cohort of exceptional leaders

          (3) Virtual Learning Sessions

When you enroll, you’ll be joined by the most impressive leaders you know to share ideas and best practices. 

Plus, Stephanie and I’ve curated the experience to ensure that you learn everything you need to know to position yourself for success.  What’s more?  You have a network of exceptional leaders that you can leverage for a mastermind experience.  Better yet? Once your AIM session is complete, you’ve got a lifelong advisory group to leverage as you continue to level up your leadership.

Your next era of growth isn’t going to be doing more of the things you’ve already done.  It’s going to be doing something different and defining that gives you an edge. 

I’m here for you!

My best,

Angie's signature

To learn more about AIM, click here.