Realize Your Potential by Being The Actual in Your Life

I love the word “potential.”  It represents this unexplored part of me that is victorious in every single way. When I think about me realizing my potential, it’s a simple image: me, strutting down a beach, by myself with my head held high – I’m feeling vibrant, energized, and alive. 

What does your unrealized potential look like?

·  Are you standing on a stage, winning your company’s President’s Club?

·  Do you have a microphone in your hand, delivering the most compelling pitch of your life?

·  Are you being celebrated on a magazine cover because of the game-changing technology you’re bringing to the market?

I know that deep in your mind you have a very clear vision of what the highest expression of your talents and gifts look like. I also know how frustrating it is that you just can’t seem to find that path that leads you to it.

That’s where I come in.  I’m here to show you the way. The good news?  It doesn’t require you to work harder – I know you.  You’re already working your ass off.   

It does, though, demand that you do the deep work of shifting your mindset and adopting a new framework that helps you take a step forward in a new, inspired direction.

This is why I’m so excited to introduce you to “The Actual.” It’s the mindset shift you’ve been looking for.

I learned about “The Actual” when I was a Marine. It’s the call sign of a Commanding Officer.  “The Actual” is a powerful symbol of someone who takes charge, makes decisions, and drives results all the while bringing people along with them and inspiring them to do seemingly impossible feats.

You are The Actual in your own life – you’re the CEO of you. You call the shots, you make things happen, you make lemonade out of lemons. I know life can be tough. But imagine if everyday you woke up, looked in the mirror, and said “I’m bigger than the challenges I’m up against and it’s all on me to figure it out.”

I bet your world would look a whole lot different, wouldn’t it?

We’ve got to stop relying on the world around us to solve our problems. We need to start building the trust and confidence within ourselves to say “I’ve got this.” And then believe deep within every fiber of our bodies that we actually do.  

If you go to my website, you’re going to notice something: I’m redirecting my content. If you go to my Insta, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn, I’m redirecting my message. 

I’m evolving into The Actual Angie. I encourage you to evolve into The Actual you, too. I challenge you to share this message, with the hashtag #betheactual and sign it with “The Actual (your name).”  

It’s time to stop hiding in the shadows of your life. It’s time to move from the passenger seat to the driver’s seat, and take the wheel so you can stop waiting around for others to tell you what to do. You know what you need to do. I’m here to inspire that vision of you having your moment … and many more moments to come. 

Signed…The Actual Angie

Angie's signature