Five Reasons You Need a Thought Partner (and Why I'm Grateful for Mine)

Five Reasons You Need a Thought Partner (and Why I’m Grateful for Mine)

I was collaborating with a dear friend and colleague, Ben Whiting, and we couldn’t help but laugh out loud for the two hours we were together. As we were swapping our stories, poking fun at ourselves, we also spent time imagining our futures in ways that were invigorating and inspiring.  When dinner wrapped, I asked … Learn More

Are Your Work Relationships Transactional or Transformational?

Are Your Work Relationships Transactional or Transformational?

I talk often about transactional vs transformational relationships.  In our work ecosphere, we can achieve success through transactions – you do this, I do this, and we don’t really invest in each other. Transactional works, but it’s not ideal for performance in our work relationships. It’s impersonal and fails to allow people to engage fully … Learn More

7 Tips For a Professional Reputation

7 Tips For a Professional Reputation

I’ve had some great guidance throughout my career. I recognize not every professional gets insight into the do’s and don’ts of the working world, which is why I’m sharing a list of some helpful behaviors I’ve learned that serve as great guideposts for career etiquette.  Here are 7 tips for professionals seeking to be professional: … Learn More

Why Are We So Surprised by Change?

Why Are We So Surprised by Change?

At the beginning of the pandemic, I sent out a warning to my girlfriends:  Try on your jeans once a week. Your jeans will keep you honest. I felt compelled to share this because I’ve worked from a home office for many, many years. I know, with 100% certainty, that if I wear yoga pants … Learn More

The Magic of Inclusion

The Magic of Inclusion

No one likes feeling like they’re on the outside.  When I was in elementary school, I didn’t get an invitation to a sleepover. The rejection still stings. While my parents did their best to make that Friday night special – we went to McDonalds and they let me stay up late to watch Dallas – … Learn More

How to Ask for Help

I had it going on.  High heels, dressy jeans with fancy pockets, hair blown out, makeup done, walking confidently through a crowded hotel lobby in Huntsville, Alabama. I was on my way to a client site, giddy on the inside because I was about to facilitate my first LIVE, post-Covid, in-person session in what seemed … Learn More