Photo of a person taking a photo of themselves in a mirror - The Difference Between Responsibility and Accountability

The Difference Between Responsibility and Accountability

I own it. That’s been my response to many of my mistakes, missed goals, and disappointing outcomes. When an idea is communicated poorly in an email – I own it. When a health and fitness plan doesn’t get off the ground – I own it.  When I flub a difficult conversation – I own it. … Learn More

Puzzle pieces - Finding Help in Four Simple Steps

Finding Help in Four Simple Steps

You Need Help.  Here’s How to Get It. Your breakthrough will come from the sage advice of a champion or friend. How to Ask for Help. Many consider asking for help to be a sign of weakness.  It’s acknowledging that you don’t know everything and feels like it signals to others that you’re incompetent, imperfect, and … Learn More

Woman shopping - Professional Business Attire for Women

Professional Business Attire for Women

In the Marines, workplace attire was pretty simple. When I transitioned into pharmaceutical sales, life got a lot more complex. Now, as a keynote speaker and consultant, I find that I’m always thinking about what I wear … and connecting that with what I hope to project.  I’ve learned a few things along the way: … Learn More

Eggs with a grimace emoji painted on it. Assess Morale: Know When "They" Aren't Happy

Assess Morale: Know When “They” Aren’t Happy

The gorillas are the emotional barometer in a zoo. I learned this recently from a leader at an engineering design firm.  He was talking about a project he led inside a zoo; construction would stop and start based on the gorillas’ moods.  If the gorillas were happy, the construction would commence.  If the gorillas weren’t … Learn More

battered necklace that says Ambition - Differing Ambitions? Some Things Are Universal.

Differing Ambitions? Some Things Are Universal.

My well-intentioned mom told me to marry rich. She often hinted that many girls go to college to get their “MRS” degree and it wouldn’t hurt to study at the law library.  (Subtle, mom!) For some reason, she believed personal ambitions were best achieved through someone else.    Fortunately, my mom was highly supportive of me … Learn More

frozen roses - Is Your Career “Stuck?” Here’s What to Do About It.

Is Your Career “Stuck?” Here’s What to Do About It.

Some people like puzzles. Others like games. For me, I love writing … there’s no greater joy than getting a piece to a place where you can hit “send.” Take the time to read this piece I penned for Fast Company. This article offers career advice to professionals who feel stuck to supercharge their work/life … Learn More

chalkboard with the word 'thoughts' written on it - Teach People How To Treat You

Teach People How To Treat You

“Can I make you more comfortable as you insult me?” So, I’ve never actually said that. Yet, my behavior in the past might have communicated that. You see, I’m a recovering people pleaser. While I still aim to make my interactions with others positive, I don’t do so at my own expense.  I used to … Learn More