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Inspiration for Your Journey

frozen roses - Is Your Career “Stuck?” Here’s What to Do About It.

Is Your Career “Stuck?” Here’s What to Do About It.

Some people like puzzles. Others like games. For me, I love writing … there’s no greater joy than getting a piece to a place where you can hit “send.” Take the time to read this piece I penned for Fast Company. This article offers career advice to professionals who feel stuck to supercharge their work/life … Learn More

chalkboard with the word 'thoughts' written on it - Teach People How To Treat You

Teach People How To Treat You

“Can I make you more comfortable as you insult me?” So, I’ve never actually said that. Yet, my behavior in the past might have communicated that. You see, I’m a recovering people pleaser. While I still aim to make my interactions with others positive, I don’t do so at my own expense.  I used to … Learn More

photo with the words 'Opportunity Knocks' written on it. How Many Opportunities Do You Lose by Not Being Prepared?

How Many Opportunities Do You Lose by Not Being Prepared?

I used to live in Los Angeles and, due to good luck, would land invitations to fancy Hollywood movie premieres and after parties.  While all these experiences were memorable, one in particular stands out. It was rumored that Christian Slater was going to be at this premiere. I had a massive crush on him growing … Learn More

Woman's fist in the air with backlit peach background - Let’s Talk about Soft Power.

Let’s Talk about Soft Power.

“You don’t look like a Marine.” If I had a dime for how many times I’ve heard that statement, I’d probably have a personal chef and own a coin-operated car wash. (My dreams aren’t fancy. The car wash is really about passive income.) Anyway … When I was an active-duty Marine, that comment made me … Learn More

Pretty moth on a twig - Transform Workplace Jealousy into Admiration

Transform Workplace Jealousy into Admiration

I’m not too proud to admit that I’ve been jealous before.  The earliest memory I have is when I went to summer camp in elementary school with a friend, Mindy. Mindy was the life of the party – all the camp counselors gave her attention. Fellow campers wanted to sit next to her during campfires. … Learn More

Angie with two kids - Top 10 Working Mom Tips that Should Alleviate (Some) Guilt

Top 10 Working Mom Tips that Should Alleviate (Some) Guilt

I remember when my son, Judge, was in middle school. On one particular day, I felt guilty about all of my work-related travel; I knew I was missing out on key events that were important to me. As a working mom, I didn’t know my absence’s impact on him.  “Judge, don’t you wish we had … Learn More

old fashioned compass - How to Live Your Life with Intention

How to Live Your Life with Intention

During this time of year, we tend to reflect on our lives and the intentions we have for the upcoming year. I shared my 2023 intentions recently on my Instagram page. One was to spend more time with my friends, which, in practice, presented an interesting surprise: I want to do what they’re doing!!  As … Learn More

Eyeglasses laying on top of Journal - How to Dream the “Impossible” Dream … And Prioritize It.

How to Dream the “Impossible” Dream … And Prioritize It.

When I was young, I wanted to be Annie. I wanted to sing, dance, and get adopted by a billionaire. The best my parents could do was buy me the Annie soundtrack, an orange wig, and a red dress. Since my name was Angie – one letter away from Annie – I came really, really … Learn More

Dandelion coming thought cracks in pavement - How to Engage in Healthy Conflict

How to Engage in Healthy Conflict

My family and I approach conflict from different starting points. They’re completely comfortable engaging in a disagreement, and do so freely…and, to be honest, sometimes unnecessarily. ☺  I’m completely comfortable sweeping things under the rug…until two years later, which is when I lift up the rug and show the offending party the unresolved issue that’s … Learn More

business professionals with hands in a huddle like a sports team - Your Role in Creating a Collective Win

Your Role in Creating a Collective Win

In our binary win/lose world, how can you create a win-win? My oldest son, Judge, and I were talking the other day about how everything in our society feels so divisive – sports competitions inevitably produce winners and losers, the election where you’re either blue or red, pro or anti-TikTok, and so on.  We discussed … Learn More

A Messy desk - Workplace Etiquette - Let's Class it Up

Workplace Etiquette – Let’s Class it Up

We’ve been living in a pandemic environment for a while now. While I know that many of us joke around about how casual our work attire has become, there’s been another aspect of our pandemic existence that’s been a little casual, too: our workplace etiquette. I was talking with a client last week, an HR … Learn More