Free Your Mind


“Well, it’s a free country.”

If I had to count the number of times I’ve said that phrase in sarcasm, it’d be ridiculous. 

This time, this week, I’m saying it seriously: Hey, it’s a free country. Remember? People fought and died for every single ounce of freedom that we enjoy today.  

Do you ever lose sight of this? When you’re bogged down with to-do’s, a lawn to mow, and a garage you can’t even park your car in, do you forget that you can do whatever you want? That you’re truly free? That there’s a world out there to enjoy?  

I know I do. I always think I’ve got one more thing to do before I get to do the thing I really want to do. That there’s a chore, a task, or a project that stands between me and my freedom.  

I know I’m not the only one who feels burdened from time to time by obligations, responsibilities, and others’ expectations.

But what if we use this week as a reminder of our freedom. That we can … 

  • Start a side hustle
  • Write that book
  • Take that class
  • Host a party
  • Take up golf
  • Begin meditating
  • Run a race
  • Take that trip
  • Launch a new career
  • Take a day off and go jump in a lake!

We really can do whatever we want and we’re fortunate to live in a country that encourages us to exercise all of our rights and self expressions.

I’ve got a dare for you. As this week is Independence Day, what if you truly embrace your freedom? Here’s what this looks like:

  • Stop what you’re doing and find a piece of paper.  
  • Write down the statement “I’m free..”
  • Keep it in front of you so you’re reminded of this all throughout today and the days ahead.
  • Push your thinking when you feel you can’t do something.
  • Challenge yourself to stop putting tasks ahead of the exploring you’d like to do.

Wash, rinse, repeat until you believe it and, accordingly, start experiencing the results of these higher ambitions in your life.  

Remember: It’s a free country. Let’s celebrate our independence by liberating ourselves.  

I’m with you!

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