About Angie

NYT best-selling author, global keynote speaker, executive coach, and believer in your ability to transform you and your team.

Hi There,

I’ve spent my entire career helping people understand and develop their leadership skills, whether it was their own or an entire organization’s. I’m able to do this because I had the best kind of leadership training - in the U.S. Marine Corps.


The Marines taught me that my understanding of my limitations was often wrong - I almost always had more in me than I realized - one more pushup, one more mile, one more ounce of courage.

But the most crucial thing I learned wasn’t part of standard training.

Early in my career as an officer, I thought I had to be the same kind of leader as someone else - as if there was one leadership style I had to conform to.


My mentor saw all this and pulled me aside. He kindly and candidly informed me that by squelching who I was, I was depriving everyone else of my unique insights and skills.

I didn’t need to be a leader like everyone else; I just needed to be the leader I was meant to be.

I needed to be genuine.

About Angie Witkowski in Military

I needed to Be the Actual

Perhaps you’ve been in a similar situation where you’re not sure how you can be a great leader in the world today.


Where you wonder if you’re being enough, being what your team really needs instead of just the figurehead.

But what if the limits you see aren’t the truth but just your perceptions?

What if we could shatter them for you?

Your innermost goals, dreams, and aspirations are all attainable - you just need the clarity, confidence, and courage to live them.

Seeing you win, seeing you reach your full potential and take that next big risk is why I do what I do. I’m passionate about cheering you on as you find your courage and race towards that finish line.

And if you need a little help along the way, I’m happy to run beside you.

It’s time to Be The Actual.


(Trust me, you’ve got this!)

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Official Bio

About Angie

Angie Morgan has helped thousands of individuals embody the confidence, connection, and communication skills of the Actual to be able to transform a group of individuals into a unified, unstoppable team.


A highly respected author and thought leader, she literally wrote the book on leadership;, actually, three of them (so far): Leading from the Front, Spark, and Bet on You., Additionally, she’s a frequent contributor to Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Inc., and other publications.


Over the past 20 years, she has worked with organizations like Google, FedEx, and Boston Scientific to develop their leadership potential through keynotes and consulting and has coached hundreds of individuals to the next stage of their careers.


Driven by a deep passion to help others access their potential, she frequently shares insights and lessons learned through her blog, social media, Bet on You podcast, and online courses.


When she’s not helping others win, she’s hanging out with her two boys or running lakeside in training for her next race in Traverse City, Michigan.

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