Woman hugging herself and smiling up at thee sky

Discovering Your Self-Worth

Say this with me: “I’m a good person who deserves to be treated with respect.” This is a solid statement of self-worth. If your self-worth is strong, then you never: As you reflect against these expectations, how’d you do? If you saw room for improvement, no worries. That’s why I’m writing this. Self-worth is one of the most … Learn More

Women linking their arms together

When Important People Don’t Support You.

I Googled “Show me your network…” and here’s what popped up to complete the sentence: …I’ll show you your potential …I’ll show you your future …I’ll show you your net worth Clearly, the internet knows a lot about something we’ve always intuited: the people we surround ourselves with impact our ambitions, aspirations, and confidence.   What … Learn More

People running in a race

Motivate Yourself to Success

I started training for the Chattanooga Ironman this month. It’s energizing to sign up for the race, buy new gear, and get all your training devices sync’d up. It’s also cool to say “I’m training for an Ironman.” What’s not energizing? The work. Like this morning. I woke up at 5:00, hit the pool, and then followed that up with a run…and … Learn More

Women holding hands in the air while standing on a beach facing the water

5 Ways to Honor Women’s History Month

We celebrate Women’s History Month by acknowledging the significant accomplishments women have made throughout time. But if you know me, acknowledging is not enough – it’s a head nod, a thumbs up. It’s a “You go, girl.” In other words, it’s a passive activity. It doesn’t build on a legacy. You’re a part of the legacy. I believe in … Learn More