
Gift Give to Yourself This Holiday Season

My youngest son likes to take the surprise out of gift giving. From now until Christmas Eve, every day I’ll get a text from him with a hyperlink to an item … most likely shoes. He’s pretty genius in his gift distribution system.  He has two sets of parents, four sets of grandparents, and makes … Learn More


Give Grace to Others This Thanksgiving

I eavesdrop when I’m on airplanes. Not intentionally, I just can’t help but overhear things! One recent conversation captured my attention … It was a woman talking with her sister on a cell phone (pre-flight). They were planning this elaborate Thanksgiving meal and it sounded incredible. They must have gone on for 10 minutes discussing … Learn More

3 Steps to Help Shape your Dreams and to Ignite Your Path for Success

Dream It. Own It. Take It. 3 Steps to Help Shape your Dreams and to Ignite Your Path for Success Survey Results are in – – and it isn’t what you think! Only 4% of us are living our wildest dreams. The other 96% of us?  Not so much. Our recent survey results reveal that … Learn More

boats in the harbor at sunrise

Are You Living a Quiet Life?

Most of us don’t know what we’re supposed to do with our lives. After we graduated from high school, we found ourselves on a tried, tested, and true path: we went to college, found a partner, started a family, bought a house, and landed a stable career with a good benefits plan.   If you’ve discovered … Learn More