Sunrise over water for the Personally Accountable to Your Problems for Angie Witkowski Rally Dry Blog Article by Angie Witkowski

Personally Accountable to Your Problems

You’re dealing with a nagging unhappiness or restlessness in some area of your life and you’re afraid to talk about it. It’s like if you vocalize a problem in your personal or professional life, then you actually have to deal with it. Here’s the kicker: you’re already dealing with it. Just because you haven’t said … Learn More

leaf trapped on iron fence for the Five Reasons You're Stuck... And What To Do About It Rally Cry Blog Article by Angie Witkowski

Five Reasons You’re Stuck … And What To Do About It

You’ve done everything right, haven’t you? Kept your head down to do the work. Not pushed back on demanding requests. Been a good teammate. Yet, still, your colleagues are surpassing you when it comes time for promotion. They’re getting the hgh-visibility, choice assignments that you want. You can’t help but wonder what you missed? When … Learn More

Blurry Woman in front of window. Creating a Personal Vision Blog Article Banner Image

Creating a Personal Vision

“You must think I sound crazy! I’ve rambled for an hour!” Whenever someone says that to me at the end of a coaching call, my reply is: “Quite the contrary.  That’s you trying to get clear about the direction you want to take your life.  Getting clear sounds like uncertainty mixed with word vomit … at first.  … Learn More