Trophy next to a Volley Ball Net - The Imposter Syndrome and Its Antidote

The Imposter Syndrome and Its Antidote

“Angie, when I get a sense of the Imposter Syndrome, I get motivated.  This drives me to prove that I’m exactly in the place I need to be.” When my friend shared this with me, I thought, “Huh, that’s new.  Because when I feel like I’m not enough, I retreat to my mental cave of … Learn More

Colleagues high-fiving - How to Be More Positive

How to Be More Positive

In an endless effort to juggle work/life responsibilities, I spent last week at Cedar Point.  For me, it was more like “relocation” than vacation – my laptop was open a lot!  For my son and his friend, it was like “Free Willy.”  I set them loose in the amusement park and I don’t think they’ll … Learn More