Person swimming in a Lake - Being Held Accountable

Being Held Accountable

We all want accountability. But what does that look like? No excuses, which can be tough. Everyone has an excuse for something – everyone.   Here’s my take: it’s easier to hold yourself accountable than to be held accountable. But for those who have the courage to hold others accountable? Results happen easier, with less friction. … Learn More

Frustrated person in front of a computer - Addressing Burn Out Head On

Addressing Burn Out Head On

Are you feeling drained? Like if you hear your boss announce another “new, exciting” initiative you’ll literally scream “Enough with the new stuff already??!!  Can’t you see we haven’t done the old stuff yet?” Despite what your boss thinks, not everyone is pumped up about new projects, goals, markets, and business opportunities.  Some of “us,” … Learn More

Tiny American flag stuck in the grass - A Patriot’s View on Independence Day

A Patriot’s View on Independence Day

I grew up in a rural Northern Michigan town and was part of an even smaller church community.  I’d often serve as an altar girl, which would put me in close contact with some of our more elder parishioners.   I remember one sunny July when a teenager showed up to mass wearing American flag patterned … Learn More