The Magic of Inclusion

The Magic of Inclusion

No one likes feeling like they’re on the outside.  When I was in elementary school, I didn’t get an invitation to a sleepover. The rejection still stings. While my parents did their best to make that Friday night special – we went to McDonalds and they let me stay up late to watch Dallas – … Learn More

Gratitude: It’s a Feeling and a Practice

Gratitude: It’s a Feeling and a Practice

My brother’s birthday is tomorrow. November 22. He died nearly 20 years ago from suicide. Even after all this time, Thanksgivings spent at my parents’ are still hard. We don’t talk about his absence. Yet, when we greet each other with a hug and give that extra squeeze, we all know that’s code for “I … Learn More

It’s Time to Tell My Story. Isn’t It Time for You, Too?

I grew up painfully shy. When I was little, I used to hide behind my mom’s legs whenever an adult spoke to me. When it was time to attend preschool, she told me that I couldn’t go unless I started talking with people. My mom found the right motivation. I wanted to go on the … Learn More